Monday, November 3, 2014

Class Agenda 11.3

1. How did the blog comments go? What came easy? What was a challenge?

2. Look over thematic content (course blog)

3. Select three passages to choose from individually in your text - trace out how ideas occur and recur and how you might write a paper about them; how can you use quotations to build evidence to create an argument? Your goal will be to explain the meaning and role of those themes. This will begin your thesis. Create a working 'practice' thesis based on these passages or three others you found in the novel.

4. Share your ideas with a partner. Ask whether or not your thesis can be extended to The Destruction of Gotham.

5. Let's select one of the themes for class discussion and trace out a thread or two. Social Darwinism and revolution are two that came up more than a few times in last week's 'quiz.' Before we trace out a couple passages, let's reflect generally on the novel's climax and conclusion.

6. Let's think a bit about the roles that 'crowds' and the 'masses' play in 'protesting' or overturning social order and government. Do we see connections between crowds in history, and at present, and the revolution in this novel?

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