Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Blog Assignment for this week

You job for this blog assignment is to poke around other students' blog on your own. Last week I assigned you specific blogs to address. This time, I'd like you to scoot around your classmates' blogs and spend some more time reading their thoughts.

I want you to do two things as you roam around:

1) I want you to write brief comments to students whose ideas you find interesting, and tell them why. If they state a claim you disagree with, politely and professionally tell them why you might disagree, and back up your counter-argument with evidence. Then, on your own blog, paste the links to two blogs you left comments on. If you don't want to paste the entire link, you can write down the person's name, highlight it with your cursor, click on the "LINK" button in the toolbar above, and paste the link to the blog you left a comment on. Then hit "ok." That turns the word into a link. Your comments can address just the idea you find interesting, rather than the entire blog.

2) I want you to take note of what blog ideas you found interesting, and I want you to bring those ideas to class next week.

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