Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Class Agenda 9.10

1. Quiz: How did you adjust to the tone and style of the short story we read for class? Have you ever read something before that sounded similar? What advice would you give to someone else who was having difficulty 'relating' to it?

Note: If you didn't do the reading, please explain why in a brief note. 

2. Class Discussion: What did some of us just write?

3. In-class writing: What, if anything, surprised us about the text we read? What were some of the details you noticed in your reading? What message, or what messages, do you think the author was communicating to readers?

4. Pair-Share: Share your responses with a partner. After you share your thoughts, select a passage (1-4 sentences) that you believe we should explore as a class, either because it was confusing, important, strange, or in some way notable. Before the conversation ends, be sure you've shared your name and email address with your partner.

5. Class Discussion: Surprises, details, messages, passages.

6. Looking ahead: Upcoming reading and assignments.

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