Monday, October 6, 2014

Thoughts on the paper

1. Sample thesis template

One moral the rioters shared is______________. One moral the authorities shared is _______. The conflict between these two groups is important because __________.

ANOTHER example

The rioters didn't always share the same morals, but some did; in 1837 and 1877, they both felt___________________. In the texts "300 Years Hence" and the Draft Riots, however, the rioters appeared to act according to the moral of ____________. By contrast, the authorities felt the same way across all riots. They felt _______________________.


TOPIC SENTENCE ONE: In 1837 and 1877, the rioters felt they were acting in the name of ____________________. By ______, I mean they _________. We can see this in Joseph Headley's chapters on the riots. Headley wrote his text in 1877 in order to show ______. His main perspective is ____. At one point in his discussion of the Flour Riot, he writes about _____. In this moment, however, we can see that the rioters were acting _______ because [support thesis claim here]. For instance, he writes, "XXISIKDFKSD sdfsdlkjfasdklf asd" (Headley 54). In this quote, he is saying_____. This is important to understand because ______. We can here see the connection between 1837 Flour Riot and the 1877 General Strike, which I'll discuss below. I believe that ______. This also appears when _________. Some may argue that _______. They might agree with Headley that _______. I argue, though, ________. [so on and on]

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